Mission - Los Mininos provides life-long sanitary for older, less desirable, or un-adaptable cats. We endeavor to provide each individual kitty a safe, healthy, and caring pace to live.
Vision- To work with other local and international organizations to find the right solution for each individual cat’s needs and desires, and to demonstrate to our community the value of caring for cats.
Website: www.losmininoscatsanctuary.org
On Facebook: Los Mininos Cat Sanctuary
Email: losmininoscatsanctaury@gmail.com
Volunteers needed:
Fosters - care for a cat or kitten temporarily.
Social Media Manager - Facebook and Instagram. 5-6 hours per week max.
Host Visitor’s Day at the Sanctuary - One Friday per month 10am to 4pm.
Host the Los Mininos table at the Tuesday Market - 8am to noon. Two consecutive Tuesdays.
Kitty Snugglers - any Friday, any time between 10am and 4pm.
Why We Do It
Each abandoned cat started life as someone’s pet. And, because of any number of circumstances that cat found herself alone, hungry, frightened, and in an unwelcome place. But, that kitty is still a pet. She is not a wild animal. She is not feral. All domestic animals are our responsibility as individuals, and as a society. It is our duty to provide food, shelter and veterinary care to our pets. As a community, Boquete, Panama has enthusiastically embraced these responsibilities. Los Mininos Cat Sanctuary plays a vital role caring for cats who have lost their homes, and helping them find new homes, In my mindset, it is more than a responsibility to care for abandoned cats….it is a privilege.